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Investigation Advice Request
P r i v a t e & C o n f i d e n t i a l

(This is a Free Consultation Service) The purpose of this request form is to assemble information about your case to make a reasonable estimate of what is the best next step toward solving your problem; what you can do yourself in the way of self-help; and what, if any, professional service(s) we might suggest.

Please identify yourself:
Your Name
Year of birth
How can we contact you? Choose at least one of:
Your Phone Number?
Your Email Address?

Have you sought other advice or assistance?

(ie: I talked about this to my mother, phoned police and consulted my lawyer.)

In your own words, please describe your situation.

Our Privacy Policy

Qualified as Valid HTML 4.01! Copyright © 1994-2000 MPRM Group Limited. All rights reserved. Revised: June 16, 2000.